Bro Branham
William Marion Branham

He was born in the hills of Kentucky in a crude log cabin, on April 6, 1909. Those present witnessed a strange hazy light hovering over him, although it was before daylight, Jer. 1:4-5.

Pastor Robert Kabasi
Message from the Pastor

Lifeboat Gospel Ministries is dedicated to spreading The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ.
We are so focused on ensuring that the Gospel of the coming of the Lord is declared in fullness to prepare the Bride of Jesus Christ for the Rapture.

At the Youth Retreat
Doctrine of our Faith

We are Bible-centered Christians who believe in the restored Word as preached by our brother William Marrion Branham. We are built upon the foundation of Prophets and Apostles, Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone. Just for a snapshot and though not exhaustive:

Programs & Events

May 18

Annual Youth Retreat

07:14 PM

Dec 29

Annual Youth Convention

07:14 PM

Our Gallery

At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat
At the Youth Retreat